This section contains information about:

  • The times of the school day on Monday 19th July 2021.
  • An opportunity to meet your child’s new Form Tutor in the first week of September 2021.
  • Information about the once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in July 2022.
  • Reminder of the dates for returning to school and timings of the school day for September 2021.

Thank you for your patience whilst we were waiting for the government announcements about the easing of Covid restrictions and what that will mean for our last day on Monday 19th July 2021.

Monday 19th July 2021 will contain a celebration assembly with certificates and rewards for:  attendance, top achievement points, Caught You Being Kind Award, Head of Year Award, Senior Leader Award and Principal’s Award.

On Monday 19th July 2021 your child will also be finding out the Form Group, Form Room and Form Tutor they will be with for this and future years at Hartshill School.  It is a very exciting time to form new relationships and get back to a normal pastoral arrangement which provides the personalised care and warmth for your child that we all value.  On Monday, your child will take part in a Celebration Assembly (each group socially distanced) and team building activities within their new Form Group with their tutor.  This will be a vital activity in our roadmap to returning to normal practices and routines and will make the restart in September more effective for your child.  Please make sure they come to school and do not miss out.  The timings of the school day on Monday 19th July are:

Year Group

Start time

End time














Meet the Tutor in September

We also would like parents to be able to form positive and supportive relationships with their child’s new Form Tutor.  To help facilitate this we are offering you the opportunity to come into school and meet the Form Tutor with your child (subject to Government advice re: Covid in September).  This will take place in the first week of the new term.  The details are below, please come and join us.

Year Group











  • 3.50pm-4.15pm Pupil surnames A-M in the Hall, talk by the Principal; Pupil surnames N-Z meet the Tutor in the Tutor base.
  • 4.20pm-5.00pm. Pupil surnames N-Z in the Hall, talk by the Principal; Pupil surnames A-M meet the Tutor in the Tutor base.


Year 11 parents are invited to a ‘Support Your Child Through To GCSE Success Evening’ on Thursday 23rd September 2021 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

2022 Commonwealth Games Tickets

We would like to signpost you to a fantastic opportunity for all the family to see live sport at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in 2022.  If you live in the West Midland you can now go to the following website (up to the end of July only) and apply for tickets ahead of the public ballot in September.

This may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience such a major sporting event with your family.  The experience will be invaluable and provide so much rich discussion about the benefits of hard work, ambition and performance.  Your child will be inspired.  Please let us know if you are successful in obtaining tickets.  If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals we will be happy to support with the cost of attending, please contact if you would like to discuss this support.

September 2021: Start Dates and Times of the School Day

Finally a reminder of the staggered start back to school in September 2021.  We will also send you a reminder in the last week of the holidays.  The dates for returning to school and for testing ahead of returning to school are:


Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9 

Year 10 

Year 11 

Monday 6th September

In school, testing and stay in school 

Testing and go home

  At home

At home  

Testing and go home

Tuesday 7th September

In school 

In school 

Testing and go home, remote learning Maths 

Testing and go home, remote learning Maths 

In school 

Wednesday 8th September

In school 

In school 

In school 

In school 

In school 

Thursday 9th September

In school, testing and stay in school 

In school, testing and stay in school 

In school 

In school 

In school, testing and stay in school 

Friday 10th September

In school 

In school 

In school, testing and stay in school 

In school, testing and stay in school 

In school 


The school day timings are below.  All pupils must enter the school site through the main gate and be on site by 8.40am at the very latest (preferably by 8.30am to have time to meet friends).