

How to Apply:

Arrangements for applications for places at the beginning of year 7 are made in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements. Therefore, applications must be made directly to the Local Authority in which the child lives. In the summer term, parents of all Year 6 children are provided with the appropriate information required to make an application. This includes the timetable to be followed and the closing date for applications. Details are also available on the Local Authority’s own website Details of open events for parents and their children can be found on the academy’s website

Mid-Year Transfers:

For all in year admissions to the school you will need to complete the Warwickshire application form which is available on the link below. This needs to be returned to the address at the bottom of the form.

Year 7 Entry:

The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for entry into Year 7 is 210. If fewer than 210 pupils apply for a place, then all will be admitted.

Over-subscribed Placements:

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number and after the admission of children with statements of Special Educational Needs where the academy is named on the statement, applications will be considered against the criteria below and in the order in which they are set out in the full policy available below.


There will be a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel for unsuccessful applicants. Should a parent wish to make an appeal, then full guidance on what to do, the form to be completed and the name of the organisation running the appeals process can be obtained by contacting the school directly.

A copy of our Admissions Policies can be found on the links below:

Hartshill Academy's Admission Policy (for September 2024 entry) can be accessed here. 

Hartshill Academy's Admission Policy (for September 2025 entry) can be accessed here.