FAQ - The new school year - September 2021

How do I contact school in the summer holidays if I have a question?

Firstly please read the FAQs below as you may find out the answer.  If not contact infoHHS@midlandat.co.uk and we will reply with 48 hours.

When do I start school in September?

  • Year 7 – Monday 6th September 2021
  • Year 8 and 11 – Tuesday 7th September 2021
  • Year 9 and 10 – Wednesday 8th September 2021

Will I have a lateral flow Covid test?

Yes you will have two in the first week if your parents have completed the consent form. Year 7 pupils will be sent a link to complete the form before the new term starts.

Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 parents will be sent a time slot for their child to arrive for their first test. They will then go home.

When will they be?

  • Year 7 – Monday 6th and Thurs 9th September 2021 during the school day
  • Year 8 – Monday 6th Sept (coming into school for a set time and then going home) and Thursday 9th September during the school day
  • Year 9 – Monday 6th Sept (coming into school for a set time and then going home) and Thursday 9th September during the school day
  • Year 10 – Monday 6th Sept (coming into school for a set time and then going home) and Thursday 9th September during the school day
  • Year 11 – Monday 6th Sept (coming into school for a set time and then going home) and Thursday 9th September during the school day

How should I get to school and back each day?

Ideally you would walk, cycle or come on public transport/Local authority provided bus.

For safety reasons we do not want lots of cars on Church Road outside the school.  It becomes very congested with all 3 Hartshill School being close together and with lots of children around we do not want there to be accidents or for people to get hurt.

If you do come by car please make sure of the following,

  • Ask the driver to drop you/pick you up off 5 minute walk away in a less busy area.  If possible arrange to meet a friend there and enjoy the company and exercise.
  • Remind the driver that they are not to come into the school car park as there are only enough spaces for the staff cars and therefore it will become congested and dangerous.

If you come by bike remember you will need a bike permit.  Letters will be sent to parents in September with instructions/reminders of how to gain one.

Whether you walk, cycle or come on transport please leave home with plenty of time to be in school on time. The school gates will be closed at 8.40am.  If you are later than this then you will not be on time for Tutor Time, you will be given a late mark and a detention after school the same night.




What time do I start and finish the day?

The school day timings are below.  All pupil must enter the school site through the main gate and be on site by 8.40am at the very latest (preferably by 8.30am to have time to meet friends). The gates will be closed at 8.40am, any child who arrives after that time will receive a late mark and a detention the same night.  Being on time is a kindness and is polite and a good habit to form for adulthood.

If I am in year 7 where do I go on the first day and how will I know which tutor group I am in?

On the first day you will be directed to a member of staff who will tell you which tutor group you are in.  You will then go into the Main Hall and sit with that group.  There will be a short welcome assembly, you will receive your school tie and be taught how to tie it and then your Form Tutor will take you to your form room.

If I am in year 7 what will my first day be like and how will I find my way around?

Your form tutor will give you a learning pack containing a mini white board and pen, your time table and a map.  You will then be taken on a tour of the school and shown the toilets, Dining Room and the one way system.

What can I do at break time?

You can go to the bathroom, wash your hands and then eat or drink a quick snack.

What can I do at lunchtime?

You can queue up for lunch or bring your own.  You will get an extra 10mins for lunchtime for the first week until you get used to getting everything completed in time for the afternoon lessons to start promptly.  You must also make sure you bring a water bottle every day and refill it at lunch.  You can then go to the bathroom and play outside.  Within a couple of weeks there will also be clubs to attend and you will be able to use the library.

How do I pay for my lunch if I buy it at school?

If you have Free School Meals you will have £2.30 put onto your account each day.  If your parents pay for your lunch then they will transfer money onto your Parent Pay. You then use your fingertip at the Dining Room till to pay for your food. Parents will be provided information about how to register for Parent Pay before the term starts.

If I am year 8, 9, 10 or 11 where do I go on my first day?

Go to your new tutor room (the same one you were in on the last day, Monday 19th July).  If you do not know your tutor room then look for your name on the tutor lists which are posted on the outside of your building,

  • Year 9 and 10 in D/E buildings
  • Year 11 in H building

You must be sat down in the room by 8.45am.

If I am in year 8-11 what will my form tutor help me with on the first day?

Your form tutor will give you a learning pack containing a mini white board and pen, your time table and a map.  You will spend your first hour with you tutor and in a welcome assembly.

When will I find out which House I am in?

Your tutor will tell you on the first day.

How will I introduce my parents to my new tutor?

Arrange to bring your parents into school in the first week back in September to meet your tutor.  See the details below,

Year Group










  • 3.50pm-4.15pm Pupil surnames A-M in the Hall, talk by the Principal; Pupil surnames N-Z meet the Tutor in the Tutor base.
  • 4.20pm-5.00pm. Pupil surnames N-Z in the Hall, talk by the Principal; Pupil surnames A-M meet the Tutor in the Tutor base.

Year 11 parents are invited to a ‘Support Your Child Through To GCSE Success Evening’ on Thursday 23rd September 2021, 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

What should I bring to school?

Every child should have and be able to show their teacher in every lesson;

  • A bag big enough to fit an A4 sized folder (essential for all pupils)
  • a pencil case (essential for all pupils)
  • 2 black/blue pens (essential for all pupils)
  • 1 green pen (essential for all pupils)
  • 1 30cm ruler (fold up or bendy is fine) (essential for all pupils)
  • 2 pencils (essential for all pupils)
  • 1 pencil sharpener
  • 1 rubber (essential for all pupils)
  • 1 pack highlighter pens
  • 1 scientific calculator (a Casio Class Wiz FX-83GT/85GT Calculator or more advanced model which can be purchased from WH Smith; Tesco; Sainsbury’s; Ryman; Argos and other stationary retailers) (essential for all Year 9-11 pupils)
  • A water bottle


Ideally all pupils would have all these items.  If your child receives Free School Meals and you would like support to ensure your child has the equipment they need please contact your child’s Head of Year.

Is there anything I should not bring?

  • Expensive items, personally important items or money
  • Any sugary, carbonated or isotonic drinks as these will be confiscated and poured away as they are damaging to your health
  • Large quantities of sweets or sugary items as these will be confiscated and put in the bin
  • Jewellery, no,
    • gel nails
    • necklaces
    • nse piercings
    • multiple earrings r spacers
    • hoped earrings of any kind
    • bracelets
    • rings


  • You are only permitted 1 small stud in each ear and a watch.  Parents please do not have piercings, gel nails or allow your child to dye their hair at the end of the summer holidays or in half term breaks as these will need to be removed/re-dyed ready for the first day back at school.  Please do not allow your child to be in conflict with these expectations.

What uniform should I wear?

See here for a full list. If your child receives Free School Meals and you would like support to ensure your child has the uniform they need please contact the Business Manager Miss Whetton (gemma.whetton@midlandat.co.uk) during holidays or your child’s Head of Year during term time.


What do I do if I am ill?

Tell the adult at home who cares for you.  Ask them for some medicine to cure your symptoms and come into school.  If you are so ill that you need to go to hospital or see a doctor or spend all day in bed sleeping then stay at home.  Your responsible adult will need to phone 02476 392237 or email info@midlandat.co.uk

You must return to school as soon as you are well.

What should I do if I have a medical appointment?

Make sure school are informed and send in your appointment card or letter or a photo of them.  Send this to the Attendance Officer nicola.hepburn@midlandat.co.uk

What afterschool clubs can I attend?

Within the first two weeks we will have a Fresher’s Fair.  This is where you will find out about the large range of clubs on offer and be able to sign up to them.  We encourage every pupil to join 3 clubs, including something you have not done before.  This participation will help you grow as a person and supports physical and mental health.