Pupils and staff at Hartshill Academy have successfully achieved the international Eco-Schools Green Flag award for their work to improve sustainability in the school. Initiatives within the school’s environmental action plan include Bic pen recycling, a Green Council, and eco-based activities at transition events for local primary schools.

The Eco-Schools programme helps school staff and pupils to make plans and take action to help address climate change, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution. Its seven-step framework follows a simple environmental management system that empowers young people to take the initiative on green activities and education.

Hartshill Academy, part of the Midland Academies Trust, was commended for appointing a democratically elected Eco-Committee which conducted a broad environmental review. Eco-Schools assessors noted that the review was ‘reflective and considered’ and helped members to spot gaps in the school’s existing activity plan. The Eco-Committee was praised for successfully embedding the Eco-Schools ethos ‘far and wide’ within its community.

Lorraine Taylor, Principal of Hartshill Academy said, “We are proud of our pupils’ achievement in securing the Green Flag award. They have really embraced the objectives we want to achieve and have also taken their plans home and encouraged their families to take part.”

Marion Plant, OBE FCGI, Chief Executive of the Midland Academies Trust said, “The Midland Academies Trust is absolutely committed to environmental sustainability and has a strategic objective to become increasingly carbon neutral over the next few years, with a focus on both the education of pupils and staff, as well as by making changes to how we operate our estates. We are delighted that the progress made by pupils and staff at Hartshill Academy has been recognised with the award of the Eco-Schools Green Flag.”  

Hartshill Academy, one of the first schools to benefit from the Government’s national School Rebuilding Programme, is set to benefit from a brand-new facility currently under construction that is fit for 21st century teaching with a target to be net zero carbon in operation.