
The Department for Education and Wates are bringing forward ambitious plans for the re-development of Hartshill School’s existing school buildings.

Hartshill has been selected as one of the first 50 schools in England to receive funding under the government’s School Rebuilding Programme. The programme is undertaking major rebuilding and refurbishment projects at the school and sixth form colleges with buildings in the worst condition.

The objective is to replace the existing secondary school with a modern, efficient three-storey school building and improve the surrounding campus to provide a positive establishment, which can become the school of choice in the local area.

You can view the full information event project boards here

The Campus

What is being proposed?

The proposals are to remove the existing school buildings and replace them with a modern three-storey building towards the front of the campus. The existing sports hall is being retained in its current position.

Landscape measures, as shown on the site maps, will be incorporated as part of the overall development. External areas provide open views to proposed playing fields accommodating a football pitch (U11/12) and existing woodland tree canopies. The new frontage to Church Road will be enhanced with additional tree planting between the road and the new building.

Parking and access

Pedestrian and vehicular access has been separated at the school gates to provide a safe, open approach to the entrance.

Existing car parking numbers will be retained, whilst relocating accessible parking bays closer to the main school entrance and adding electric vehicle charging points.

The school encourages cycling as a sustainable mode of transport. The new cycle shelters are provided centrally, along the main pedestrian entrance path, benefiting from passive supervision. A total of 60 cycle spaces will be provided.

The New School Building

Each floor of the new school building has been designed closely with the school to ensure specific teaching and operational needs are met, while also expressing the school’s character and values.

Teaching spaces will be included across all three floors. Staff facilities will be provided on the first floor, and clusters will be incorporated on the second floor to support Special Education support for students.

The main dining area is located on the ground floor, providing a focal point for school life. Pupils will move through this congregation space and can then access the relevant parts of the school, or flow towards the external play areas as required.

The proposed layout is illustrated by the floorplan images.


Design development

The building will be built with a mix of red bricks to compliment the local context and an accent brick to reduce the building's massing. Key zones, such as the building entrance, may include feature accent cladding. The interior of the building will be designed to be light and airy, with neutral décor that allows for accent colour.

Net zero carbon and sustainability

In line with the government requirements, the Department for Education is committed to reducing carbon emissions to zero across their estate by 2050. The recent announcement outlined that ‘Rebuilding projects will be greener, helping meet the government’s net zero target, and will also focus on modern construction methods to create highly skilled jobs and boost the construction sector’.

The new school buildings will achieve Net Zero Carbon in Operation (NZCiO). All new school buildings are to be future-proofed to avoid the risk of overheating by testing the building design with an alternative standard to the current Overheating Risk Assessment Criteria.

Key NZCiO features:

  • Photovoltaic array (solar panels) for sustainable energy.
  • Reduced reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Improved building fabric - Including thermal and air tightness characteristics.
  • Passive design maximising natural daylight and ventilation.
  • Provide energy efficiently e.g via solar panels and air-source heat pumps.
  • Reduce the building’s energy demand

The Build

You can view the full information event project boards here

Key Programme Dates:

  • Planning Application Submission - November 2021
  • Commencement of Works on Site - April 2022
  • New School Opening - September 2023
  • Demolition of Existing School and New Landscaping Works - September 2023 to September 2024

Temporary Construction Access and Parking

The location of the temporary construction access is proposed approximately 80m to the north of the existing site access off Church Road.

At this location, there is already a small dropped kerb, therefore the proposal is to make this wider to meet access requirements. It is also proposed that the grassed area between the back of the footpath and the school perimeter fence be turned in to a temporary construction site access road.

Large vehicles will be restricted to turning right onto site only to avoid the low/weak bridge to the north of Church Road and exiting site to the left. This ensures that Construction traffic is segregated from the existing staff/pedestrian entrance.

Temporary on-site parking is provided within the Contractors compound to off-set any loss of existing school parking during the works & to provide parking for the contractor.

View towards entrance