
We have high expectations of pupils on their way to the academy, during the day and when they return home. We expect all pupils to “Be kind, work hard and achieve”. We strongly believe we are a family at Hartshill Academy and that we create and environment together where everyone can flourish.

We expect pupils to:

  • Arrive to the academy ahead of the start of the day to ensure that they are prepared for their day.

  • Be wearing full uniform and be equipped for their day ahead.

  • Be kind to everyone they interact with.
  • Engage in their lessons and work hard.
  • Be proud of their work and have the highest expectations around the presentation of their work.
  • Move sensibly and safely around the academy site.
  • Have attendance over 96% for the whole year.
  • Contribute to academy life by taking part in activities and being involved with extra curricula programmes.
  • Be proud to be a pupil at Hartshill Academy.